
Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Upacara Adat ( tribal ceremonies )

Upacara Adat Di bali ( tribal ceremonies in bali )


1. The Tribal Ceremonies Ngaben



 Ngaben is a cremation performed Hindus in Bali, the ceremony was conducted for the ancestral spirits menyucian deceased toward the final resting place of burial by doing.
In man has several elements, and all of it driven by the soul / spirit given by the Creator. When the man died, which left only the body roughly only, while the spirit is still there and continues until the end of time eternal. At that time cremation ceremony occurs as a process of purification when the spirit leaves the body rough.
The word itself has a sense of cremation ashes all stock or goal lead on the release of the last of human life. In Hinduism Brahma has some meaning other than as a creator god Brahma is also believed to have meaning as the God of Fire. So the cremation ceremony itself is a process of spiritual purification by fire using fire to be able to go back to the creator, an incarnation of Lord Brahma fire could burn all the filth attached to the bodies and spirits of people who have is

Cremation ceremony is considered very important for Hindus in Bali, cremation ceremony is perujudan because of the respect and affection of the people who left, also about the social status of the family and the deceased. With cremation, the family can free spirit / ghost of deeds deeds that have been done the world and deliver them to heaven immortal reincarnated again and again in different forms.
Ngaben done with a series of ceremonies, consisting of various forms of offerings by not forgetting stamped symbols like other rituals that are performed Hindus in Bali. Cremation ceremony in his usual massive dilalukan, this all takes a long, laborious and also cost quite a bit and could lead to cremation is often done in a long time after death.

At the present time the Hindu community in Bali often mass cremation / joint, for which there are less costly cost, where the dead body was temporarily interred in advance to meet the new costs carried on, but for the people and families who are able to do cremation ceremony as soon as possible, for the time being remains buried at home, waiting for a good time. There was less good assumption if the storage remains too long in the house, because the spirit of the deceased to be confused and unsettled, he felt being alive between 2 natural and always wanted to get released.
Implementation Ngaben itself must first consult with the pastor to menetapkankan when a good day to do the ceremony. While waiting for a good day to be set, usually the family and assisted the gang busy doing preparation where the body (Bade / coffin) and a bull-shaped replica made of bamboo, wood, colored paper, which will for the crematorium.
Early in harinyasaatupacara is implemented, the entire keluargadanmasyarakat will gather to prepare the ceremony. Before the ceremony held prior bodies cleaned / washed, baths pelaksaaan process led by a priest or someone of caste Bramana.
Once the process is complete baths, corpse makeup dressed in traditional Balinese clothes, and all family members gathered to pay their respects and prayers accompanied the consecrated souls may find peace and are in a better place.
Bodies that have been washed and dressed in the clothes placed in "Bade / coffin" and on the stretcher in a gang, all members of the family and society berbarisdidepan "Bade / coffin". During the way to the ceremony Ngabentersebut when any intersection or junction, Bade / casket will be rotated around three times, it is believed that the spirits are confused and do not come back again, in the release of the body no sobs, no good for the body, as if not willing to deliver the kepergiannya.Arak procession accompanied by the sound of gamelan departure corpse, chanting suci.Pada the front and back Bade / stretcher coffin that contained a white cloth that has meaning as a bridge for the spirit to be able to get to the place of origin.


After arriving at the location or the burning grave that had been prepared, the corpse in the input / put on / in the "Replica shaped ox" that had been prepared by first priest or a caste Brahmin and chant prayers and ceremonies Ngaben implemented, then "Cow" burned to ashes. Ashes from cremation is inserted into the ivory coconuts and then in larungkan / dihayutkan into the sea or rivers are considered sacred.
From the above it can be concluded that pemamaparan cremation is a Balinese cremation ceremony at a sacred and exalted time, the ceremony was an expression of respect which is intended for people who have died. The ceremony is always performed in the large and festive, not all Hindus in Bali to implement because it requires no small cost. All that comes from the creator of his day will come back again and all it has to be believed and ihklaskan. Man was born and later died were all closely associated with charitable deeds for the world.

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