
Senin, 12 Desember 2011

The History Of The Kingdom Demak ( Sejarah Kerajaan Demak Versi bahasa Inggris)

The History Of The Kingdom Demak

Demak is the first Islamic empire or a kingdom on the island of Java. The kingdom was founded by Raden Patah (1478-1518) in the year 1478, Raden Patah kingdom of Majapahit was nobles who served as the duke of duchy NCO, Demak. Prestige of the empire obtained from Walisanga, which consists of great scholars to nine people, most early Islamic preachers on the island of Java.

For the assistance of other areas that had already embraced Islam as Jepara, Tuban and Gresik, Raden Patah as duke of Islam in Majapahit Demak cuts loose with time, the Majapahit indeed are in a very weak condition. With that proclamation, declare independence Radeh Patah Demak and took the title of Emperor Akbar Shah Alam.

In the early 14th century, Lu Yan Emperor of the Ming Dynasty in China sent a princess to the king of UB V in Majapahit, as a sign of friendship between the two countries. Princess is beautiful and smart was soon a special place in the hearts of kings. King UB is subject to all the will of the princess's beauty, to bring the many contradictions in the palace majapahit. Because the princess was berakidah monotheism. At that time, UB already has a consort who came from Champa (now called frangipani), still a relative of King of Champa.

The empress has a mismatch with the daughter of Emperor Yan Lu. Finally, with a heavy heart the king to get rid of this beautiful princess from the palace. In case of pregnancy, the princess granted to duke Pelembang, Arya Damar. Well that's where Raden Patah born from the womb of the princess of China.

Minor name is Prince Jimbun raden patah. In his youth raden patah education backgrounds and political nobility. 20 years he lived in the palace of the Duke of Palembang. After he returned to majapahit adults.

Raden patah has a younger brother mother, but a different father. When entering their teens, raden patah with his younger brother sailed to Java to study at Ampel Denta. They landed at the port of Tuban in the year 1419 AD

Fracture had lived some time in Ampel Denta, along with Muslim merchants at the time. It was there he had the support of the Chinese Emperor's envoy, the admiral Cheng Ho, also known as Sam Poo Dampo Awang or Tai-jin, a Muslim commander.

Raden Patah explore religion of Islam with other young men, such as Raden Paku (Sunan Giri), Makhdum ibrahim (Sunan Bonang), and Raden Kosim (Sunan Drajat). Once considered to be graduating, raden cleric believed to be Patah and made settlements in the NCO. He was accompanied by the Sultan of Palembang, Arya Dilah 200 soldiers. Raden Patah concentrating its activities in NCO, because the area is planned by Walisanga as a center of Islamic kingdom in Java.

In NCO, Fractures also founded the boarding school. Religious broadcasting carried out in line with the development of science. Slowly, the area became the center of the crowd and commerce. Raden ruled Demak broken up in 1518, and Demak become the center spread of Islam in Java since the government.

consecutive, only three sultans Demak whose name is quite famous, Raden Patah Ie as the first king, the Duke of Muhammad Yunus or Pati Unus as the second king, and the Sultan Trenggana, brother Pati Unus, as the third king (1524-1546).

In the reign of Prince Patah, Demak successful in various fields, including the expansion and defense of the kingdom, Islam and
his experience in development, and implementation of consultation and cooperation between scholars and umara (ruler).

Raden Patah success in the expansion and defense of the kingdom can be seen when he
conquer Girindra Wardana who won the throne of Majapahit (1478), took this to be over power majapahit. In addition, the fracture resistance terhada also held the Portuguese, who had occupied Malacca and to disturb demak. He sent troops under the command of his son, Pati Unus or Duke or Prince Jonah Sabrang Lor (1511), although ultimately failed. Raden Patah struggle followed by Pati Unus who succeeded his father in 1518.

In the field of da'wah of Islam and its development, Raden Patah trying to implement Islamic law in the various aspects of life. In addition, he also built a palace and established the mosque (1479) which until now well known as the Great Mosque of Demak. The establishment of the mosque was fully supported by walisanga.

Among the three kings demak NCO, who had succeeded the Sultan Trenggana 
Demak Sultanate delivers to its former glory. During trenggana, non commissioned demak territory covers the entire Java as well as most other islands. Military actions conducted by Trenggana managed to strengthen and expand the power demak. In 1527, the army demak tuban master, a year later occupied Wonosari (purwodadi, jateng), and in 1529 master Gagelang (madison now). The next area is conquered medangkungan (Blora, 1530), Surabaya (1531), Lamongan (1542), the Mount STEPS (1545), as well as Blambangan, the last Hindu kingdom in the eastern tip of Java island (1546).

In the west the island of Java, the military forces Demak also rampant. In 1527, Demak seized from Pajajaran Palm Sunda (West Java Hindu kingdom), and dispels the Portuguese army soldiers who would land there. Then, in collaboration with Islamic merchants in Banten, Demak even managed to tear down Pajajaran. With the fall Pajajaran, demak can control the Sunda Strait. Step further, float as a source of pepper across the strait is also controlled and Islamicised. Keep in mind, the mainstay warlord Demak time was Fatahillah, youth from Pasai (Sumatra), which is also the daughter of Sultan Trenggana.

In the northeast, the influence of the Sultanate demak also get to train in Kalimantan. Replacement candidate Banjar King had requested that the sultan Demak send troops, in order to mediate the turnover problem banjo king. Prospective heir to the crown, supported by the people of Java were converted to Islam, and by a scholar of Arabic, the heir to the throne was given the name of Islam. During the imperial period Demk, every year the king sent tribute to the Sultan Banjar Demak. This tradition stopped when the power switch to the King Pajang.

In its heyday, the Sultan Trenggana visit to Sunan Gunung Jati. Of Sunan Gunung Jati, Trenggana earn the title of Sultan Abd al-Arifin Ahmad. Degree of Islam as it had previously been given to raden broken, that is after he managed to beat the Majapahit.

Trenggana very persistent fight against the Portuguese. Along Demak resistance against the Portuguese who are considered infidels. Demak as the most powerful Islamic empire in the time affirming it self as a center spread of Islam in the 16th century.

Sultan trenggana died in 1546, in a battle to conquer Pasuran. He was later replaced by Sunan Prawoto. After the sultan Trenggana Demak ushered into the boom, a descendant of the sultan was alternated in power until the advent of the imperial display.

Demak grand mosque as a symbol of Islamic-style rule is inseparable from imperial side Demak Officer. Walisanga activities are centered in the mosque. That's where the nine guardians exchange ideas about religious matters.

The mosque was founded by Walisanga demak together. Demak Chronicle shows that the mosque was founded in Saka 1399 (1477) which is characterized by Trus Gunaning Janma candrasengkala Lawang, while the image is being fleeced in the sanctuary of this mosque there is a symbol of Saka year 1401 which showed that the mosque was established in 1479.

At first, glorious majid Demak became the center of the first Islamic kingdom in Java. These buildings are also used as the headquarters of the trustees to hold Sekaten. At the ceremony sekaten, dibunyikanlah gamelan and tambourine on the front porch of the mosque, so people throng gathered around and meet the front gate. Then the trustees held a grand sort of study, until the people had voluntarily led two sentences say the shahada.

The rapid demak city developed into the center of commerce and traffic and activity Islamic center not be separated from the Great Mosque share Demak. From here the guardians and the king of the Sultanate of Demak held that accompanied the expansion of power by the Islamic da'wa activities throughout Java.

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